

You would not disagree that at the end, we all want to be heard; we all want to be recognized, we all want to seem important. We all want to give an incredible speech someday and get heaped with applauds. But what steps us back?  Perhaps the fear of being criticized. It is said that the fear of public speaking is one of the greatest human fears. But in the words of Dale Carnegie, “  Only the prepared deserve to be confident ”. So when you prepare for your next speech, do not forget to keep the below things in mind. Below are the secret toppings to ace your  speech. 1. Care for your Audience  I have observed several times; many speakers end up disappointing the audience with an extremely boring speech despite their wisdom and strong content. This happens because their speeches are often speaker-centric. A bad speaker always speaks about what he believes in and not what the audience want to hear from him. The most important factor which determines your success as a